After some light Google-ing, I couldn’t find a simple example for Emby running behind an Nginx reverse proxy. I built this config using some boilerplate config I have and some config snippets from other config examples. If you’re brand new or not sure exactly what you need, it can be a bit confusing to see older threads with lots of comments and suggestions, and it may be hard to tell what exactly you need to edit.

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Obvious Disclaimer: I’m not a professional security researcher. I dabble in these things and more pursue these things out of curiosity. Let me know what I got wrong. Today I read that there was another victim of a Supply Chain attack, a NPM module author had a few of their modules compromised, one of which (the one I read about) was ua-parser.js. This module provides detection of various platform data from user agent strings.

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This is a quick how-to showing my procedure for setting up new drives with LVM. What is LVM LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager and is a newer way to manage partitions and disks in Linux. If you’ve never used LVM, it makes adding partitions, resizing things, adding disks, and more easy and slick on Linux. Basically, it’s an abstraction layer between your disks and partitions. You can have partitions span multiple disks, change them around on the fly, move them around, etc without any of the fuss of before.

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I’m pretty protective of my data. I like to make sure all my important file are backed up, and I employ a 3-2-1 backup strategy for basically everything. What are 3-2-1 Backups This is a term that is floated around frequently when talking about backups. It basically boils down to these rules: You have 3 independent copies of your data. Of those 3 copies, 2 of them are on different systems (Different servers, different SANs, etc).

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One of the most important parts of keeping data safe is offsite backups. One excellent tool for this is Rclone, a tool that copies data to local and remote locations with ease. I don’t use Rclone for all my backups, which I’ll get into, but I use it for some cases and it’s a great tool. Why I Use Rclone I operate a dedicated server where the hardware is managed by a third-party.

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If you’re installing Debian on a regular basis, or want to automate the installation a bit more, building a custom Debian installation ISO can be quite handy. You can automate some of the more tedious parts of the installation, install extra packages and run additional setup, or even completely automate the installation! Why? In my case, I’m working with some automated provisioning using Puppet and Packer. Most of the time, you can start with a pre-installed operating system and work from there.

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In the past, I showed how to add a firewall rule in Debian 9. For Debian 10, these instructions still work but installing the firewalld package is a bit more involved. Why There is a bug in iptables (which is how firewalld applies rules) that causes it to crash on start up. Thanks to this GitHub Issue, I was able to track this down to the specific version of iptables that ships with Debian 10 (1.

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One tool that is pretty neat for anyone who manages more than one machine is Puppet. In it’s simplest form, Puppet is designed to codify actions you may take on your server and run them automatically. The typical deployment for Puppet relies on a central Puppet server (the “Puppetmaster”), and clients distributed around your network. What if, say, we wanted to run Puppet without this central server? Why Puppet is great, and a centralized Puppet server is equally great.

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Meta Information: This is a room I recently completed on TryHackMe. I figured I’d do a write up of what I found, how I got in, and things that a potential sysadmin would want to do to fix their server. I’m writing this from the point-of-view of a independent security consultant. Description of Server The machine in question appears to be an Ubuntu Linux machine, with a number of open ports and protocols:

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This is a minor inconvenience that I’ve dealt with for far too long. When using Virtualmin as a reverse proxy, it doesn’t handle Let’s Encrypt verification records correctly and forwards them to the upstream service. In my case, this would cause certificates to issue correctly initially, but then fail to renew after three months is up. Since every request that hits the server was getting sent to the upstream server (including any requests to .

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