Listening to P25 Radios with a Raspberry Pi and Trunk Recorder
Fixing Infinite Shutdowns in NUT
Making an ADS-B Airplane Tracker
OPNSense Monitoring With Zabbix


Using Unifi Protect Across VLANs and VPNs
Cleaning Up Firewall Rules
Preparing For you Homelab's Demise
Using HTTPS In Your Homelab, And Why It's Important


Setting up a Backup 4G Internet Connection with OPNsense
This Site's Stack
Monitoring Traffic With OPNsense and Elastiflow
I Double NAT My Network, And I'm Proud


Keeping things updated with Apt-Dater
Addressing the log4j Vulnerability in Unifi Video 3.10.13
Emby + Nginx Reverse Proxy
LVM Basics
My Personal Backup Strategy
Promxox/Rclone Offsite Backup
Custom Debian ISO
Firewalld in Debian 10
Puppet Without a Puppet Server
Fix Virtualmin Proxy with Let's Encrypt
Backup Google Photos (Part 2)
Backup Google Photos (Part 1)


Condensed PHPMyAdmin Configuration
Securing Apache Sites With Saml
Using Foundation for Emails (Inky) in a Php Application


Smart Failover With Redis Sentinel and Keepalived
Autowired Traits in Symfony
Ubiquiti Edgerouter Openvpn Client Config
Staggering Chef Client Runs
Make a Site Private but Allow Lets Encrypt
MySQL (MariaDB) Galera Cluster Restart
Zabbix MySQL (MariaDB) Monitoring


Resizing Lvm Partitions on Centos