After it was announced that data from Government sites such as the CDC and FDA were being removed, I did what any good Data Hoarder does and started hoarding more. I have a fairly small instance of TubeArchivist to keep a list of niche channels downloaded, but I turned it to a number of Government channels to try and save as much content as I could in fear that it would be removed.
Those fears were justified as over this past weekend, the CFPB’s YouTube channel was emptied, and I’m seeing a number of videos being removed from other channels I did download.
Methodology and Disclaimers
Starting on February 1st, I started a bulk download of these YouTube channels:
- Census
And starting days later, I added these:
- Kennedy Center
- Department of State
- National Archives
I start my bulk downloads with a list of video ID’s, and I then break them into chunks of around 100. I then feed the download queue whenever it’s empty to keep things continually downloading. There’s no set order, the chunks are randomized in each channel, and there’s only one download thread active at a time to prevent rate limits.
I re-ran the scripts to get what should be the same list, but videos that were removed will be absent. Finding video IDs in the old list that aren’t in the new list gives us a manifest of what was removed. Many of these I have copies and metadata for, so the title is shared. Some I have a video file, but I lack metadata due to rate limits and other bugs.
Keep in mind, there’s no way to know why a video was removed. It could be the result of an executive order barring the discussion of certain terms, or it could be normal culling due to a number of innocent factors. I included all my channels, and some show what I believe to be normal culling for comparison.
Where Can I Find These Videos?
I’m uploading my videos to my Archive.Org account. The uploads are paced quite slow mostly to not upset anyone. If a video hasn’t been uploaded, it will make it there eventually (I only do a hundred or so a day, and these are mixed in with active videos as well). If you need a copy, let me know and I can bump it to the top of my list.
Some videos are missing entirely, as they were removed before I could download them. The IDs are shared, but there will be no links.
Videos Removed By Channel
These lists have been updated since originally published. There were some math errors in the video counts that have been corrected, and the lists are now sorted.
I re-ran the same procedure again to get more videos that have been removed, and those are called out as well.
329 videos removed of 6112
Newly removed videos as of March 7:
- 30 Years of Community Leadership, Advocacy and Activism
- A Legacy Story
- A Syndemic Approach to HIV Prevention
- A World Without Neglected Tropical Diseases
- A decade of fighting global health threats and protecting America’s health security
- An Overview of VAERS
- Before and After: Ebola Isolation Ward Makes Improvements
- Being Better Prepared for COVID-19 and the Next Global Health Emergency
- CDC Global Disease Detectives: Answers from Kibera
- CDC Global Disease Detectives: Clues From a Bat Cave
- CDC Global Disease Detectives: Clues and Answers
- CDC Global Health Security
- CDC Global Partnerships
- CDC Media Briefing on Dallas Ebola Response 10-12-2014
- CDC Media Briefing on Dallas Ebola Response 10-13-2014
- CDC Media Briefing on first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States, 10-08-2014
- CDC Media Briefing on the first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States
- CDC Responds to Cholera in Haiti
- CDC Responds to Earthquake in Haiti
- CDC Responds to Meningitis in Burkina Faso
- CDC Responds to Nodding Disease in Uganda
- CDC South Africa supports vaccination against COVID-19 (3-minute video)
- CDC Thailand Overview
- CDC Works with Cambodia and Zimbabwe to Improve Laboratories
- CDC Works with Cameroon and Dominican Republic to Improve Laboratories
- CDC collaborates with South Africa to strengthen border health during COVID-19 (3-minute video)
- CDC in Action: Reaching men with HIV treatment and prevention
- CDC in Guinea
- CDC in Sierra Leone
- CDC in the Field: Greg Trains Contact Tracers
- CDC in the Field: Greg tracks down Ebola contacts
- CDC in the Field: Greg
- CDC supports Kenya’s COVID-19 surveillance and response (3-minute video)
- CDC update on Ebola Response, 10-14-2014
- CDC’s Tracking Network: Working Toward a Healthier Planet for Healthier People
- CDC: Erica’s Story, Let’s Stop HIV Together
- CDC: Historia de Raquel, Detengamos Juntos el VIH
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health - India
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Coptic Hospital
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Global Disease Detection (GDD) Center
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Hand Held Devices
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Kenya
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Polio Eradication
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health – Polio, Dropping Cases
- CDC: Protecting Americans Through Global Health
- CPN CBA HIV Prevention Training (Audio Description)
- CPN CBA HIV Prevention Training – Spanish (Audio Description)
- CPN CBA HIV Prevention Training – Spanish
- CPN CBA HIV Prevention Training
- CPN HIV CBA Training and Technical Assistance Offerings
- Capacity-Building Assistance for High-Impact Prevention
- Central America Region Overview
- Ebola and Contact Tracing
- Field Training Programs Save Lives
- Find a PrEP Provider tool
- Global Disease Detectives in Kibera
- Global Disease Detectives
- Global Immunization: Polio in India
- Global TB Strategy
- Grants Management Overview
- HEADS UP to Youth Sports Coaches: Welcome – Audio Description
- HEADS UP to Youth Sports Coaches: Welcome
- HEADS UP: introducción al programa – Descripción de audio
- HEADS UP: introducción al programa
- HHS Webinar on IETA 2023
- HIV Treatment Result in Africa
- HIV/TB Co-Infection
- Health Equity in the Division of HIV Prevention (DHP)
- High-Impact Prevention
- Honduras Entomology Lab
- How to Use (Audio Description Version)
- Inside a Teen’s World AD
- International Health Regulations
- International Travel and Risk of Measles
- Is PrEP safe in pregnancy?
- Is PrEP safe to take during pregnancy?
- Jimmy Smits: La Vida Real (:20)
- Jimmy Smits: The Screening (:20)
- Jimmy Smits: The Screening (:30)
- Jimmy Smits: The Screening (:40)
- Legacy: Building Communities of Support
- Let’s Talk About HIV Testing – Frequency - Demetre Daskalakis, MD, MPH
- Living a Balanced Life with Diabetes: An Introductory Webinar
- Low Prevalence of Hepatitis B Vaccination Among People Receiving HIV Care
- Malaria Eradication: Back to the Future
- Mosquito Control in Honduras
- National HIV Prevention Monitoring and Evaluation
- Overview of High-Impact Prevention and Services for Funding Opportunity Announcement (OFA) PS15-1502
- PEPFAR clinics facilitate COVID-19 vaccination in Zambia (3-minute video)
- PS15-1502 FOA Overview (Part 1)
- PS15-1502 FOA Overview (Part 2)
- Patient Navigation: Steps to Care
- Polio Eradication in India
- PrEP Locator Tool (Audio Description Version)
- PrEP Locator Tool
- Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program at CDC - Audio Description
- Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program at CDC
- Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program at CDC
- Public Health Careers: Testimonial Video
- Public Health and HIV Prevention Efforts
- Resilience in HIV Affected Communities
- Role of CDC Overseas
- Rwanda Ebola Preparation
- Sierra Leone Advancements
- Siyenza: Faces Behind the Data
- Siyenza: We are doing it
- Sobre La Red de proveedores de ayuda para aumento de capacidad (CPN)
- Social Determinants of Health
- Start Talking. Stop HIV.: Behind-the-Scenes
- Strategies for Improving Global Child Survival
- Strengthening Kenya’s laboratory capacity to detect, and investigate COVID-19 (3-minute video)
- TB & HIV: A Deadly Duo
- Thailand Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission (HIV/AIDS)
- The Big Picture
- The Challenge of Dengue
- The Early AIDS Epidemic in the United States: Views from Atlanta and Hollywood
- The HIV and Viral Hepatitis Epidemic
- Three Decades of Commitment to the Fight Against Global HIV/AIDS
- Tips for Application Submission
- U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative – 15th Anniversary
- Value of Partnerships
- Youth Behaviors and HIV Risk
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- 2PnYYb_xj3U
- A4-AdrkEuiA
- rS1ctVYw86E
Videos removed as of February 17:
- “I realized that I needed to talk to my daughter about her illness” | Stories of Sickle Cell: Elle
- 1 año - Comienza a usar las cosas correctamente
- 1 año - Cuando se nombra algo mira en dirección de cosa que se nombró
- 1 año - Demuestra miedo en algunas situaciones
- 1 año - Dice mama y papa
- 1 año - Entiende cuando se le pide que haga algo sencillo
- 1 año - Explora los objetos de diferentes maneras: los sacude, los golpea, los tira
- 1 año - Hace sonidos con cambios de entonación (suena como si fuera lenguaje normal)
- 1 año - Hala para ponerse de pie y camina apoyándose en los muebles
- 1 año - Llora cuando la mama o el papa se aleja
- 1 año - Mete cosas dentro de un recipiente, las saca del recipiente
- 1 año - Puede que dé unos pasos sin apoyarse
- 1 año - Repite sonidos o acciones para llamar la atención
- 1 año - Sigue instrucciones sencillas como “recoge el juguete”
- 1 año - Suelta las cosas sin ayuda
- 1 año - Tiene personas preferidas
- 1 año - Trata de imitar las palabras que escucha
- 1 año - Usa gestos simples
- 18 meses - Arrastra juguetes detrás de él mientras camina
- 18 meses - Camina solo
- 18 meses - Dice “no” y sacude la cabeza como negación
- 18 meses - Inventa juegos simples con su imaginación
- 18 meses - Puede ayudar a desvestirse
- 18 meses - Puede que les tenga miedo a los desconocidos
- 18 meses - Puede seguir las instrucciones verbales de un paso sin tener …
- 18 meses - Puede subir escalones y correr
- 18 meses - Puede tener rabietas
- 18 meses - Señala para mostrarle a otra persona lo que quiere
- 18 meses - Señala una parte del cuerp
- 2 años - Completa las frases y las rimas de los cuentos que conoce
- 2 años - Demuestra un comportamiento desafiante
- 2 años - Dibuja o copia líneas rectas y círculos
- 2 años - Dice frases de 2 a 4 palabras
- 2 años - Empieza a correr
- 2 años - Juega principalmente al lado de otros niños
- 2 años - Nombra las ilustraciones de los libros como un gato, un pájaro o un perro
- 2 años - Puede que use una mano más que la otra
- 2 años - Sabe los nombres de personas conocidas y de las partes del cuerpo
- 2 años - Señala objetos o ilustraciones cuando alguien los menciona
- 2 años - Sigue instrucciones de dos pasos
- 2 años - Sigue instrucciones sencillas
- 2 meses - Mueve las piernas y los brazos con mayor soltura
- 2022-2023 Seasonal Influenza Testing & Treatment During COVID-19 Pandemic
- 2022–2023 Recommendations for Influenza Prevention & Treatment in Children
- 3 años - Corre fácilmente
- 3 años - Dice palabras como “yo”, “mí”, “nosotros”, “tú” y usa algunos plurales
- 3 años - Entiende la idea de lo que es “mío”, “de él” o “de ella”
- 3 años - Entiende lo qué significa “dos”
- 3 años - Entiende palabras como “adentro”, “arriba” o “debajo”
- 3 años - Espera su turno en los juegos
- 3 años - Habla bien, los extraños pueden entender la mayoría de lo que dice
- 3 años - Llama a un amigo por su nombre
- 3 años - Puede conversar usando 2 o 3 oraciones
- 3 años - Sabe el nombre de la mayoría de las cosas conocidas
- 3 años - Sigue instrucciones de 2 o 3 pasos
- 4 años - A menudo, no puede distinguir la fantasía de la realidad
- 4 años - Cada vez se muestra más creativo en los juegos de imaginación
- 4 años - Canta una canción o recita un poema de memoria
- 4 años - Comienza a entender el concepto del paso del tiempo
- 4 años - Disfruta haciendo cosas nuevas
- 4 años - Empieza a copiar algunas letras mayúsculas
- 4 años - Entiende el concepto de contar
- 4 años - Entiende el concepto de “igual” y “diferente”
- 4 años - Habla acerca de lo que le gusta y le interesa
- 4 años - Le dice lo que le parece que va a suceder a continuación en un libro
- 4 años - Le gusta más jugar con otros niños que solo
- 4 años - Nombra algunos colores
- 4 años - Recuerda partes de un cuento
- 4 años - Relata cuentos
- 4 años - Sabe algunas reglas básicas de gramática
- 5 Tips for Healthcare Providers to Help Babies Exposed to Zika
- 5 años - Brinca y puede ser capaz de avanzar dando saltitos cortos alternando entre un pie y el otro
- 5 años - Conoce las cosas de uso diario como el dinero y la comida
- 5 años - Cuenta 10 o más objetos
- 5 años - Es posible que haga más caso a las reglas
- 5 años - Habla con mucha claridad
- 5 años - Puede contar una historia sencilla usando oraciones completas
- 5 años - Puede distinguir la fantasía de la realidad
- 5 años - Puede escribir algunas letras o números
- 5 años - Puede usar el tiempo futuro
- 5 años - Reconoce a qué sexo pertenecen las personas
- A Heart-To-Heart Chat: Living with a Heart Defect
- Assessment and Data Collection
- Avoid Harmful Substances During Pregnancy: ASL Translation
- Become Up-To-Date With All Vaccines: ASL Translation
- Better Together: Employer’s and Community’s Journey to Health Partnerships
- CDC NERD Academy Student Quick Learn: Where do public health data come from? - Audio Description
- CDC NERD Academy Student Quick Learn: Where do public health data come from?
- CDC Thailand HIV STD Laboratory Research
- CDC WD4648 Menstrual Health and Hygiene. Beginning and Ending with Dignity. Period.
- CDC | Reducing HIV Stigma
- CDC’s HIV Treatment Works: Jada’s Story
- CDC’s PMGR: Dual Presentations: Vaccine Confidence and the Cobb/Douglas Vaccination Experience
- COVID-19 Update: Clinical Guidance and Patient Education for Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines
- COVID-19 Update: Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)
- Cancer Screening Change Packages
- Clinical Recommendations for Adenovirus Testing and Reporting of Children
- Collaborating to Conquer Cancer: 20 Years of the NCCCP
- Conocer el Cáncer Cervical
- Culturally Responsive TB Education and Training Webinar, Part 1
- Culturally Responsive TB Education and Training Webinar, Part 2
- Doing It - Chandi Moore
- Doing It - Marilyn Soleil
- Doing It - Prada Garnett
- Doing It - Russell Roybal
- Doing It - Sharon Lettman Hicks
- Doing It — Barriers to HIV Testing
- Doing It — Get Tested, End Stigma
- Doing It — Get Tested, Stay on PrEP
- EH Nexus Webinar - Lead-Free Communities Initiative: The Road to Lead Exposure Elimination
- Ebola: Clinical Presentation, Evaluation, and Infection Prevention
- Epidemic Intelligence Service 70th Anniversary Webinar
- Epidemic Intelligence Service Informational Webinar for Applicants
- Evaluating and Supporting Patients with Cognitive Symptoms Following COVID
- Firearm Injury and Violence Prevention AD
- Get Ready with Me: Cervical Cancer Screening
- Haciéndolo PSA :30
- Hear Their Stories
- Herramientas para apoyar el bienestar emocional en niños y jóvenes
- Hey Friend: Let’s Talk Sexual Health
- How to Access Data from CDC’s VAERS WONDER System
- How to Navigate CDC’s Watch Me! Celebrating Milestones and Sharing Concerns Training
- Implementing Your Developmental Milestone Checklist Program in WIC
- Importancia de Hacerse la Prueba
- Is Your Workforce…Chronologically Gifted?
- Keynote Speech by Actor Ed Asner and his son Matt Asner CDC’s 2016 Autism Awareness Month Event
- Kids with SCD can miss an incredible amount of school | Stories of Sickle Cell: Dr. Lauren Smith
- Learn the Signs. Act Early. One Doctor’s Story
- Let’s Stop HIV Together: Ocean and Jamel’s Story (18sec)
- Let’s Get Summer Ready
- Let’s Stop HIV Together: Jennifer’s Story
- Let’s Stop HIV Together: Tye’s Story
- Making the Case for Worksite Health
- Marleah’s Bring Your Brave Ad
- Melioidosis in the United States: What Clinicians Need to Know Following Newly Discovered Endemicity
- Module II Video Segment 1: Key Strategy – Testing and Reporting
- Monkeypox Outbreak: Epidemiology, Testing, Treatment, and Vaccination
- National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program 30th Anniversary: Closing Video
- National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Awardee Highlight: Alabama
- National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program Awardee Highlight: Vermont
- National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program’s 20th Anniversary Celebration
- Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Series in Adults Ages 18 Years and Older
- Observation: Reading Sequence
- PMGR: Data Practice Through the Lens of American Indian/Alaska Native Communities-Audio Description
- PMGR: Data Practice Through the Lens of American Indian/Alaska Native Communities
- PMGR: Eating Disorder Case Studies - Audio Description
- PMGR: Eating Disorder Case Studies
- PMGR: Eating Disorders in Primary Care and Community-Based Clinics - Audio Description
- PMGR: Eating Disorders in Primary Care and Community-Based Clinics
- PMGR: Signs and Symptoms: Presenting Features of Eating Disorders - Audio Description
- PMGR: Signs and Symptoms: Presenting Features of Eating Disorders
- PMGR: Strengthening One Health & Supporting Schools in the COVID-19 Response - Audio Description
- PMGR: Strengthening One Health and Supporting Schools in the COVID-19 Response
- PMGR: The PAHO’s Role in Public Health Emergencies; Designing Infodemic Systems - Audio Description
- PMGR: The PAHO’s Role in Public Health Emergencies; Designing Infodemic Systems Surveillance Systems
- Polio in New York: How to Recognize and Report Polio
- Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds: The Critical Nexus to Save our Planet - Audio Description
- Preventive Medicine Grand Rounds: The Critical Nexus to Save our Planet
- Program Planning
- Protéjase del COVID-19: Hágase la prueba del COVID-19
- Protéjase del COVID-19: Lava sus manos
- Protéjase del COVID-19: Mantenga una distancia segura
- Protéjase del COVID-19: Use una mascarilla
- Protéjase del COVID-19: Vacúnese contra el COVID-19
- Public Service Announcement on Blood Clot Prevention - 15 seconds
- Public Service Announcement on Blood Clot Prevention - 30 seconds
- Racism and Health
- Recommendations for Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Children’s COVID-19 Vaccines
- SET-NET Success Story: New York
- SET-NET Success Story: Pennsylvania
- SET-NET Success Story: Tennessee
- SET-NET Success Story: Washington
- Screen Time for Your Health: Understanding Cervical Cancer Screening
- Start Talking. Stop HIV. Music Video featuring Alex Newell
- Stay Safe from COVID-19: Getting a Booster Shot
- The Father’s Perspective: A Panel Discussion CDC’s 2016 Autism Awareness Month Event
- The Journey of HIV in Rwanda
- The Science Minute: Interview with CDC Scientist on Polysubstance Use During Pregnancy
- Tools for supporting emotional wellbeing in children and youth
- Treating for Two Basics - American Sign Language
- Update on 2022 Ebola Outbreak in Uganda
- Updated CDC COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation Guidelines in Healthcare and Non-healthcare Settings
- Updated Guidance for Clinicians on COVID-19 Vaccines
- Updates on Monkeypox in Children & People Who are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
- Using County-Level Data to Increase Access to and Enrollment in the MDPP
- VAERS: Online Reporting Demonstration
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Website and Ways to Report
- Video de la dosis de refuerzo contra el COVID-19 para personas con discapacidades
- Visit With Your Healthcare Provider: ASL Translation
- We have a ton of studies that show bias | Stories of Sickle Cell: Dr. Wally Smith
- Webinar for Health Professionals - The Best Tool to Prevent Neural Tube Defects
- What Clinicians Need to Know About Oral Antiviral Medications for COVID-19
- What Clinicians Need to Know About Therapeutic Options for COVID-19
- What Clinicians Need to Know about Dengue in the United States
- What are your thoughts on HIV treatment?
- What are your thoughts on PrEP?
- What are your thoughts on communicating about sexual health?
- What does affirming health care mean to you?
- What does sexual health mean to you?
- Worksite Health 101: Program Evaluation
- Worksite Health for Small Employers
- “I started doing pageants because of sickle cell” | Stories of Sickle Cell: Ayana
- “I’m constantly learning myself.” | Stories of Sickle Cell: Constance
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- h-5zxjq56pU
5 videos removed of 2868
Newly removed videos as of March 7:
Videos removed as of February 17:
- Cancer Moonshot: Community Conversations – Moving on Equity: OCE Expands Diversity Initiative
- Clinicians Connect: Conversations with FDA’s Chief Medical Officer: 2024 Respiratory Virus Season
- Conversations on Cancer: Cancer Moonshot: What’s happened since 2017?
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- DHIoWHzjrrQ
91 videos removed of 844
Newly removed videos as of March 7:
- A Conversation on Lowering Drug Costs with HHS Secretary Becerra and Medicare Enrollees
- About OASH: Making a Difference to Improve the Nation’s Health
- About OASH: The Benefits of Becoming an OASH Employee | August 14, 2024
- Biden-Harris Administration Historic Investments in Nation’s Behavioral Health Infrastructure
- Black Maternal Health Roundtable | April 15, 2021
- Building a Healthier America - Secretary Becerra’s First 100 Days
- Family First 5th Anniversary Celebration | March 2023
- HHS Secretary Becerra on Transgender Rights during the State of the Department | March 18, 2022
- Hispanic Health Innovations Symposium with Sec. Becerra & ARPA-H’s Dr. Wegrzyn | September 18, 2023
- Investing in a Healthier America: Secretary Becerra and HHS Accomplishments 2021-2025
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day – 2023
- Mensaje del nuevo Secretario de HHS Xavier Becerra al Pueblo Americano
- Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health: How Employees Make a Difference in Public Health
- President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, & Pacific Islanders | 12/5/22
- President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, & Pacific Islanders | 12/6/22
- Secretary Becerra Speaks at Healthcare Provider Summit
- Secretary Becerra Visits CT for Mental Health Tour
- Secretary Becerra Visits Senior Center
- Secretary Becerra on the Departure of CDC Director Walensky
- Secretary Becerra’s 2022 End of Year Address
- Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Press conference
- Table Talks on Mental Health with the Biden-Harris Administration and West Wing Cast
- Women’s History Month-Stewart – :15 (03/22/23)
- Year One of ARPA-H, with Sec. Becerra & ARPA-H’s Dr. Wegrzyn | March 15, 2023
Videos removed as of February 17:
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- (metadata is missing, but video file was downloaded)
- 10 reasons to use the U.S. Surgeon General’s Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation
- 5 Social Determinants of Health in Healthy People 2030 | May 2022
- ACF/GCS Advance Planning Briefing for Industry May 9-11, 2023 Day 2 Part 1
- Addressing the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: Ethical Challenges
- Advancing Viral Hepatitis Elimination: Progress, Challenges, and Future Strategies
- Announcing The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Confronting Health Misinformation | July 2021
- Announcing The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on Youth Mental Health | December 2021
- Bisexual+ Health Workshop
- COMING SOON: A New Podcast from U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy | 6.21.22
- Celebrate Pride Safely
- Doxycycline for Syphilis: Treatments and Prevention | August 14, 2024
- HHS Hispanic Health Summit I Part 2
- HHS IEA Stakeholder Briefing to Announce Finalists for Children & Youth Resilience Challenge
- HHS Mental Health Summit: Strengthening Mental Health | May 4, 2023 | Part 2 of 2
- HHS Overdose Prevention Strategy One-Year Anniversary Event
- HHS Panel Discussion: Navigating Federal Employment as a Military Spouse | May 15, 2024 | Webinar
- HHS Panel Discussion: Navigating Federal Employment as a Veteran | November 8, 2023 | Webinar
- HHS Webinar: Pathways Program 101 | February 8, 2024 | Webinar (Standalone installment)
- Health+ Sickle Cell Disease Healthathon Finale
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 02.08.2023 | Eps 16: Why Do Friendships Matter? (Part 2)
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 02.22.2023 | Eps 17: What Gives You Hope?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 03.08.2023 | Episode 18: Can You Live Without Your Phone?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 03.22.2023 | David Brooks: What is a Meaningful Life?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 1.11.22 | Episode 14: Maya Shankar: Why is Change So Hard?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 1.25.22 | Episode 15 (Part 1): Why Do Friendships Matter?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 10.19.22 | How Do We Navigate the Joy and Sorrow of Being Human?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 10.5.22 | Episode 8: Taking the Path of Most Resistance
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 11.2.22 | Episode 10: How Do We Connect with Our Kids?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 6.29.22 | Episode 1: Recipe for Connection
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy | 9.21.22 | Episode 7: What Makes Us Happy?
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy |5.17.23 | Yes, Vulnerability is a Superpower (even for pop stars)
- House Calls with Dr. Vivek Murthy| Dr. Rangan Chatterjee: What’s at the Core of Your Happiness? Pt 2
- Inaugural Men’s Mental Health Symposium: Listening through the Silence
- Introducing the Region 3 Regional Director: Ala Stanford
- Introducing the Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health & Well-Being | 10.20.22
- Mindfulness Tools with U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy | 12.01.22 | Change and Uncertainty
- National Adoption Month | November 21, 2024
- Pride Health Summit 2023
- Regulating Social Media and Internet Research: Public, Private, or What?
- Summer of Pride | Episode 1: Transgender Health with Ryan Cassata
- Summer of Pride | Episode 2: Intersex Health with Dr. Katie Dalke
- Summer of Pride | Episode 3: Mpox, HIV, and Sexual Health with Dr. Carlton Thomas
- Summer of Pride | Episode 4: Identity & LGBTQI+ Health with Kelley Robinson and Imani-Rupert Gordon
- Summer of Pride | Episode 5: SDOH with Assembly Member Alex Lee
- Surgeon General’s Advisory Addressing Health Worker Burnout | 5.25.22
- Swearing-In Ceremony of the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine
- Webinar Honoring HHS Veterans: Exploring Career Paths in Science and Medicine at HHS
- Welcome Remarks from the 17th Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel L. Levine
Census Bureau
9 videos removed of 2021
Newly removed videos as of March 7:
Videos removed as of February 17:
- 2021 Data Summit Series: Census Data for LGBTQ Communities
- Data Gem: Gain Insights on Disability Characteristics in America with Census Bureau Statistics
- Exploring Census Data Webinar Series Minority Businesses & Equitable Data
- The Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey: Entering and Editing Expenses
- The Consumer Expenditure Diary Survey: Getting Started
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- k2uI7utvrJg
- k99ycC-MziM
- sk-kWKsBZ2Y
National Archives
3 videos removed of 3763
Newly removed videos as of March 7 that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- 8vaGsHkc7IY
Videos removed as of February 17:
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- sjz4Ly2OBhs
Department Of State
26 videos removed of 12958
Videos removed as of February 17 that I do not have a copy or metadata for (no videos removed since then):
- 2dyI2ar-88U
- 3J1WdDk9v7w
- 4vEI7PbkWEg
- 9tlXMjTDPa4
- 9yUmYV6QceY
- aIQ-TnMxyBw
- C0cqPmS_16I
- cNj56tws95U
- c-WV_n-HH8c
- gaYwqi8Avsc
- gryNscD5poA
- I-2DMrrdr_Y
- ogI7ZaOutHs
- P7Xzo8ZVe_w
- R4EGvSQr63w
- REpftgoCqDo
- RRG7mDYsmp8
- tJcwVs0rYS4
- wgBJZbwSIgU
- z0BaM5XyuTw
- Z1hpZh0Z4XU
81 videos removed of 2607
Newly removed videos as of March 7:
- #SummerReady Extreme Heat Summit
- #WinterReady Extreme Cold Summit December 2024
- #WinterReady Extreme Cold Summit
- 30: Enhancing Resilience to Future Storm Impacts in Boulder County, CO
- 32: Research and Practice at the Intersection of Hazard Mitigation and Adaptation Planning
- 35: Building resilience to climate hazards through integrated funding & implementation in Buffalo NY
- Addressing Future Climate, Population, and Land Use Changes Through Hazard Mitigation Planning
- BRIC Direct Technical Assistance
- Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Direct Technical Assistance (BRIC DTA) Webinar
- Climate Adaptation Planning: Guidance for Emergency Managers
- Community Disaster Resilience Zones Closing Thoughts
- Community Disaster Resilience Zones Designation Methodology
- Community Disaster Resilience Zones Overview
- Community Disaster Resilience Zones Vision
- Community Disaster Resilience Zones – What’s Next?
- Community Engagement Prioritization Tool (CEPTool)
- DHS/FEMA 2024 #SummerReady Extreme Heat Summit
- Extreme Heat Impacts on Mental Health Webinar
- FEMA Accessible: CDC Coping with Extreme Heat
- FEMA ArtWorks: Community Forms
- FEMA Improving Individual and Community Wildfire Resilience Summit Resources
- FEMA Information Session: FEMA’s Implementation of the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard
- FEMA Strategic Foresight 2050 Overview
- FEMA and HHS Extreme Heat PSA
- FEMA’s Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) Policy
- Federal Flood Standard Support Tool (FFSST) Training for Federal Agency Partners
- From Policy to Action: Planning for Climate Resilient Communities
- GeoConnect Resource Center (GeoConnect)
- Help Shape FEMA’s Future
- Impacts of Extreme Heat
- Module Three: Building Codes Save
- PSA: Extreme Winter Weather
- Prepare For Extreme Heat Conditions
- RNPN 2021 Partnership Forum Alliances for Climate Action Day 1 Our Future Vision
- RNPN 2021 Partnership Forum Alliances for Climate Action Day 2 When Climate Moves Communities
- RNPN 2021 Partnership Forum Alliances for Climate Action Day 3 Stories That Inspire Change
- RNPN 2021 Partnership Forum Alliances for Climate Action Day 4 Financing Climate Action
- RNPN 2024 Partnership Forum Stories of Resilience Day 3 Extreme Heat
- Risk Rating 2.0: FEMA’s New Rating Methodology
- Success Stories: Flood Resilience and Recovery Across America
- The Time is Now: Climate Resilience
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
Videos removed as of February 17:
- #WeAreFEMA Mike Houston - FEMA Region 8
- 14: Equity Matters: Defining Equity through a Mitigation Lens
- 15: Learning from the Past: A Discussion on Creating Success in Equity in the Mitigation Space
- 24: Day 2: Equity – Wrap-Up & Reflection
- Celebrating Pride Month at FEMA
- Citizenship & Registering for FEMA Assistance
- Ciudadanía e inscripción para recibir asistencia de FEMA
- Ciudadanía y registro para recibir asistencia de FEMA
- Equity & Access at Community Vaccination Center
- FEMA Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month 2023
- FEMA Celebrates Pride
- FEMA External Civil Rights Division PSA-Haitian Creole
- FEMA Strategic Plan One Year Anniversary
- From Policy to Action: Planning for Equitable Mitigation
- Grant Equity Threshold Tool (GETT) Overview
- Helping LGBTQ+ Survivors After Disasters
- Helping LGBTQIA+ Survivors Before Disasters: Preparedness and Mitigation Considerations
- Office of Equal Rights Outreach Video - ASL
- Office of Equal Rights Outreach Video - English
- Partnership Day 2020: Church World Service
- Partnership Day 2020: Islamic Relief USA
- Partnership Day 2020: SEWA International
- RNPN 2020 Partnership Forum Alliances for Equity Day 1 Let’s Talk Equity
- RNPN 2020 Partnership Forum Alliances for Equity Day 2 Prioritizing Equity
- RNPN 2020 Partnership Forum Alliances for Equity Day 3 Planning for an Equitable Future
- RNPN 2020 Partnership Forum Alliances for Equity Day 4 Building a Foundation for Action
- Ready Campaign PSA: LGBTQIA+ People Get Prepared for Disaster
- Risk Rating 2.0 – Equity in Action: Premium on the Declarations Page
- Risk Rating 2.0 – Equity in Action: Rating Variables (Part 1)
- Risk Rating 2.0 – Equity in Action: Rating Variables (Part 2)
- Risk Rating 2.0 – Equity in Action: What is Built and Covered
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- 4PYnghRIWlQ
- 8DhmHWxxbfc
- GhsEyauLI1Y
- jWcJtfF9hpI
- Khh5RZ1KJ0E
- q3Cr9aEvcgE
- wSyQT4NIi8o
- XEhfMP3m_WE
- YWJi8n6Ea-w
Kennedy Center
16 videos removed of 6551
Videos removed as of February 17 (no videos removed since then):
- Announcing the 2024–2025 Washington National Opera Season | In-Depth Look
- Parade | Aug. 19–Sep. 7, 2025
- The Wig Party: Virtual Screenings from Local Queer Filmmakers
- The Wig Party: Pussy Noir - Millennium Stage (August 27, 2022)
Videos that I do not have a copy or metadata for:
- 07hb1Egy9iA
- 3HOntaoXk_c
- eJXvukkX1Fc
- lhxBCbml10M
- mF9WmU0Or40
- Q1Yd75FPAD4
- RxKepAXNan0
- SC1EkmnA7Qs
- twSrllzpa-A
- WtCsbZIR9_c
- XX9UCVadqLs