Trigger Warning: This post talks generally about human mortality and loss of your home.
One ting I’ve recently started considering is how my Homelab can survive if I’m not around. At first, everything in the lab was pretty low value so losing things wasn’t a huge deal. Recently though, I’ve started archiving family photos and other important things that need to survive after me.
I’ll outline the considerations and situations I took into account, then I’ll share some of the tools I used to plan.
What I Plan For
I focus mostly on the data, because that’s the biggest piece that both is easy to back up and difficult to replace. Protecting the physical hardware isn’t a major concern for this reason, as I can easily replace servers.
I also plan for not total disasters, but situations like things going offline when I’m out of town. My lab is responsible for home internet, and since turning it on is slightly more complicated than just plugging in a router, I make sure there’s some information on how to get things going again.
One important thing to understand is that during a disaster you can’t design a disaster recovery plan. You need to have things setup beforehand and test them regularly.
Assigning Value
The first step is understanding what you store, and assigning values to how important it is to you and how hard it is to replace.
For my data sets, I assign a few values to each one:
- Sensitivity - If this information gets leaked, how big of a deal is it? Is it already public data or does it contain things like Social Security Numbers?
- Replicability - Can this data be replaced if your primary copy is lost? Is it an easy process or hard process to do that?
- Value - This can be monetary value (ie it would cost me $x to run this simulation again) or sentimental value (ie pictures of past pets and relatives).
If something scores high on all of these, your protections and backup strategy need to be more robust and tested. Something that is low value and easy to replace might see one level of redundancy while high value and difficult to replace might see another.
Even if you’re already keeping backups of everything, it’s still important to plan.
You also need to understand what you’re trying to protect against. Destruction of your lab due to fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, etc is one common scenario. With these, it’s worth understanding how much warning time you typically get (no warnings, hours, days) as you might be able to take some actions and not others when things start to go sideways.
It might also be worth considering who would be around at the time. Are you frequently out of town or is there someone that can come rescue servers? Should spending effort to rescue servers be your priority?
Another thing to consider is if your lab is destroyed, are your phone and laptop gone too? Are your recovery keys stored on those and you expect to always have one?
Your Demise
Another part of planning should be developing a plan for if you become unavailable for some reason. Maybe you’re just out of town for the week, or maybe you’re run over by a bus.
If other people are going to want your data (family photos, important documents, etc), you should share something with them to let them in even if you can’t let them in yourself.
Disaster Levels
Once you’ve planned things, it’s worth running through scenarios in your head. I like scales, so I devised this scale. Higher numbers indicate more distaster-y disasters.
Level 0 - Power Outage While Your Home
This isn’t really a “disaster” but I include it to highlight all the things you’ll likely have if this happens. This is the most basic scenario because you still have everything: your servers, a place to run them, you’re home to take care of restarting things, etc.
Most people wouldn’t consider this even a disaster, but if you walk through what you need to recover, you can start to get an idea of what others may need.
Level 1 - Power Outage While Your Gone
The first variable we’ll introduce is you not being physically around. The scenario in my head is you’re out of town for work, so the family is still home and expecting things to mostly work.
The key point here is making sure you have the means to instruct someone either in real time or through documentation on how to restore power. Is your setup an old desktop that just needs powered on, or is it a complicated multi server setup like mine?
Also think about what may be missing, namely storage and Internet. If you store your documentation on your lab and it’s down, how do you get it out? If there’s no internet, are you able to video call or do live instruction?
Level 2 - Server Failure or Destruction
The next variable is introducing failures in your servers and storage. The equipment may or may not run, but the data is long gone.
The key here is making sure that recovery keys have at least one backup copy that you’re able to use to seed your servers again. This can be a copy on a local laptop or written on some offline media you keep around, but it assumes the primary keys on the servers are now toast.
Examples of this would be a flood, wildfire, or other disaster where you’re able to save a personal device or two but the main lab is left behind.
Level 3 - Total Destruction
The next level assumes your servers are gone and your personal devices are gone. This complicates things quite a bit because we have a few new factors:
- Storing Keys Offsite - Your backup encryption keys and configuration needs to be saved somewhere safe that also isn’t vulnerable to these disasters.
- Seeding Access - If you store passwords in the lab, how do you get the most critical ones back out?
- Two Factor - If your two factor codes are stored on your phone, is there a way for you to get them back out?
Examples of this level would be a fire, tornado, or other GTFO type situation where life and limb are all that matter.
Level 4 - Your Lab is Gone And You Are Gone
Like level 3, but now the added challenge is someone else must do this. This means your documentation needs to be up to scratch to at least give someone a general idea on how to get things out.
Something is Better Than Nothing
One important thing I want to share is that something is better than nothing. I don’t think any person is prepared for a true Level 4 disaster. There are challenges that you won’t understand, complications you can’t account for, and more.
If you get something down on paper and shared, that gives you more footholds should something happen. Even if you aren’t 100% prepared, it might give you a better shot at coming out the other side.
Also, Testing is key. Pretend you need to recover from scratch and make sure your documentation is updated.
My Plan
My plan revolves around two files, a PDF that is written documentation and an encrypted file that contains copies of all the backup configurations. I automate the generation of these two things, and once a week the files get updated and uploaded to a cloud service provider.
I have this largely automated, and I put an example up on
GitHub. That system takes
markdown file and builds a PDF based on it. It then bundles the
configuration I need, encrypts it, and uploads it to the offsite provider.
If you run that demo, you’ll need to edit a few things in Makefile.
The first will be get-configs
, and this should be the step that gets your
offsite configuration. If you put it in out/configs
, the compress
step will
bundle it into a ZIP file automatically.
The other will be sync
, and this will be how you upload things to the offsite
provider. In my case, I use Rclone to do this, but you can omit this step if
you just want to upload things manually.
With the PDF and ZIP file that gets output, a person can (hopefully) have the keys and knowledge needed to recover offsite backups for my environment. I send these to a shared folder that is shared with a few close people in case I get locked out. I also print the PDF and put it in the lab in case things need recovery without Internet access.
Further Reading
If you’re interested in learning more, there’s a few posts I like:
- How My Homelab Became Critical Infrastructure - I wrote this after a close call with a Tornado. It’s a creative solution that has helped me multiple times during minor emergencies.
- Lawyer. Passport. Locksmith. Gun. - A talk from Deviant Ollam that focuses more on the human side of preparedness, but has a good set of lessons he learned after a friend was arrested and mistreated.
- Ready.Gov - If you haven’t taken stock of what you and your family need in a disaster (things like food and water), it’s worthing setting up some basic supplies.